Friday, May 27, 2011

RW How to Deal with Difficulty

Three Keys to Dealing with Difficulty

Key 1) Determine the Reason.  Ask: What caused this?

Usually one of 4 reasons:
You brought it on yourself
Other people caused the problem
Satan caused it 
God caused it

Three common mistakes:
We listen to bad advice
We follow the crowd
We rely on circumstances (and go with the flow)

Key 2: Determine the Result
Ask: What does God want me to learn?
No matter what, don't give up.  Grow up and look up to Him.

Key 3: Determine my response.
 Ask: How should I react?
What happened to you is not as important as what happens in you.

The Wrong Response to Difficulty

Don't drift - don't give up on dreams and goals.

Don't discard (values, heritage, relationships)

Don't despair

The Right Response to Difficulty

Confess my part.  What are you pretending is not a problem?

Confront it head on.

Claim a Promise.  You may be going through a storm right now, and your ship may not make it. But YOU will make it.  You may have to get to shore on a broken piece of the ship, but you're going to make it because God is with you. Don't give up.

Many times people think that becoming a Christian will make everything all better and life will be smooth.  Nowhere in the Bible does God say you are guaranteed a home, job, good health, etc here on earth.  The promise is after this life, and part of my problem is seeing beyond this world.

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