Thursday, May 5, 2011

RW Day 7

Day 7 is the reason for everything. Everything is from Him and for Him. Point to ponder: Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?

Yesterday's small group focused on finding our God-given purpose/dream, and my weak spot is still dedicating my all to God. It's nice to say I have, but in reality I spend most of my life pursuing worldly tasks and distractions. I rarely spend alone time with God.

So to fuse the two above lessons, I will try to spend some quiet time outdoors where I usually feel His presence more... Just because, to me, His handiwork is in the trees, sky, wind, etc. I can see why Jesus spent time in the wilderness. I will try to dedicate some prayer time in my walks and bike rides in addition to reflecting in this blog.

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