Friday, January 28, 2011

Ghetto or Chinatown?

My daughter's boyfriend's mother made me cookies. That was real nice, but kinda random. She (Dawnell)told Linz that she saw me walking our big dog, and then made me cookies lol. That made me pause and wonder what she saw that would drive her to bake me cookies.

I've been sick, so I've been throwing on a cap and a puffy hooded blue jacket with holey wind pants that my nephew handed down to me 7 years ago. He was going to take em to Goodwill, but I saved em from "the bag" just in time. Anyway, I digress. So if I were to see myself dressed like this with the huge 125 bear dog, I would kind of be reminded of those ghetto kids who wear baggy clothes...or I could be like one of those old ladies in Chinatown who wear mismatched pajama clothes and funny hats. The ghetto kids annoy me cuz they walk really slow, especially when crossing the street while you wait at the stop sign. The old Chinatown ladies annoy me, especially when they're elbowing you and forcing themselves on an overcrowded street. Both ghetto punks and Chinatown old ladies hock their loogies right in front of you too. Since I'm still sick, I hock a loogie here and there when walking the dogs too. So now I wonder if Dawnell saw me hock a loogie and if she thinks I'm ghetto or Chinatown. Definitely pathetic since she baked me cookies.

I guess this is just a reminder that people do see me. I don't know why, but I just forget that. I doubt I will change my clothes, but I probably will look around before hocking a loogie. But whether Dawnell sees me or not, God still sees me hock a loogie... And sees me do all the good and awful things I do throughout my days. I suppose I should be more mindful of His presence.

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