Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sick of being sick

Okay, I've been sick for over two weeks now, and it's been a long time since I've been sick so long. Just another reminder that I'm aging. Usually I don't think about midlife crisis or getting old because I look at my parents and their siblings, and they all seem pretty fit for their ages (70s and 80s). This is now starting to change for them, but hey, they are a good 20-30 years ahead of me, right?

On the other hand, they didn't grow up with all the fast food, booze and drugs I used... So I guess I shouldn't really expect their lifespan and health. The main thing this makes me contemplate is how I spend the rest of my life. Do I do as I've been doing and just take things as they come? Or do I try to plan it out? I guess I should just plan on concentrating on God and see what He brings me. Being a fairly new Christian, I need to focus on learning more about Him and His word. For the immediate future, I will stop doing too much too soon so I can get healthy again.

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