Friday, November 9, 2018

Texas Talk

Maybe there are more moderates than extremists after all. I spent the week in Dallas for work and we had team members fly in from other parts of the country - Chicago, St Louis, California, Washington, Atlanta.    Beto O’Rourke didn’t beat Ted Cruz, but he did get quite a few votes... which is pretty surprising for Texas.  This made me think that, if a Democrat could get a good number of votes in Texas, maybe things are starting to swing a bit back to the middle again. 

Before flying home last night, a bunch of us went to dinner.  Three of us made sure we sat where we could face the door.  I mentioned that this is something that my hubby ingrained in me since his brother was shot at the Golden Dragon shootings.  The other two also wanted to keep an eye on the door for defensive reasons.  They both have ranches and guns, and the non-carriers in the group all said we trust them with their guns and don’t want to take them away.  We chatted about how we could improve gun control laws or, at the very least, enforce the current laws better... and guess what?  Nobody lost their temper or got upset.  This is because we all have gotten to know each other and aren’t bunching each other up in groups of “us” or “them” through a screen.  This was a good reminder for me to treat others on social media the same I would treat them in person.

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