The following is my opinion - The U.S. military spends almost $700 billion per year and a bipartisan study shows that we’d probably lose a war with China and/or Russia (who spend less than $200 billion each). This is because, while they only concern themselves with their own borders, we try to control terrorism and global interests (in the form of oil and other economic markets). Lately, 45 has been turning away from our traditional allies and buddying up with Putin, Kim Jung-Un, and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
People are fed this narrative that “America is Great” and, while I am fortunate to have been born here, I do see its many flaws made even more evident by this President. He can turn a blind eye when a Journalist (who was a legal resident) is murdered despite CIA reports of bin Salman’s involvement. He wastes $200 million of the military money, sending troops to the border as a campaign stunt. He’s trying to make the Judicial branch beholden to him because he believes there are “Obama judges” (therefore there are “Trump judges.”) He attacks Black athletes who silently kneel to protest the harassment and murdering of unarmed Black people for being unpatriotic while he himself attacks veterans like McCain and the guy who took down Osama bin Laden. The list goes on and on about this guy and his “America First” and “Nationalism” lies. He’s telling all his supporters that he’s working for them, when really he’s working for the wealthy (which of course includes himself).
It sickens me that so many Evangelicals support this guy. They have forgotten that God so loved the WORLD, not just the U.S.A. I’m afraid that we will have our reckoning if we don’t start working with our true allies in this world again for Democracy and Justice instead of just Economic Gain. Being an economic superpower isn’t what God called us to be. He called us to love Him and love our Neighbor. People claim we’re a Christian Nation, but the evidence doesn’t currently support that.
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