Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Nice try, Beto!

It's a Midterm Election Night and it's been a while since there's been so much participation... So the glass half full Independent Voter part of me is glad that at least 45 has gotten people to care more on both sides of the aisle. The New Democrat on me is a little disappointed that there are still so many people supporting the GOP agenda. 

Much has been said that it's not enough to just run an anti-Trump agenda and I agree. I am voting for equal rights for all (women, POC, LGBTQ, etc). I am voting for an America that cares for each other, not just the wealthy and large corporations (who the tax cuts most benefited). I believe in taking care of the planet God entrusted us with. 

There doesn't appear to be a big blue wave, but I'll be content if Democrats get the House. The Senate was a long shot, so I wasn't really hoping for that. I'll just be glad to get a little more checks and balances in place. I don't want to impeach Trump right away. I want Mueller to complete his investigation before deciding whether to impeach.  I pray daily that Mattis keeps Trump from starting WWWIII and that Mueller will continue to bust the slimeballs.

P.S. I'm in Dallas right now, so... Go Beto! 

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