Saturday, November 3, 2018

“Me and Mine”

Seems like people only care about “me and mine.”  That may not be true, but it sure does feel that way in this political climate.  They don’t care about LGBTQ people unless one of the kids or relatives comes out and is mistreated.  They don’t care about women who claim to be raped because it hasn’t happened to them or somebody they love. They don’t care about unarmed Black kids getting killed unless it happens to someone they know.

Unfortunately, these injustices are far too common... but LGBTQ kids don’t want to come out to parents/family who bash queers and make them feel flawed.  Girls don’t talk about being molested because they see how people still tend to not believe them (or worse blame them).  Black athletes are criticized for silently kneeling, yet people turn a blind eye to Blacks getting killed and incarcerated for longer periods and greater frequency than Whites for like crimes.  There’s a lack of compassion in this nation that disturbs me, and I pray daily that we all (me included) have empathy for one another.

Galations 6:2 ESV

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

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