Wednesday, November 7, 2018

All The President's Men

I remember when Nixon resigned in the summer of 1974. I think I was in San Diego on vacation with my cousins, and I picked up a newspaper that may still be in storage somewhere. A couple years later, I remember watching "All the President's Men" and I think that's when journalism first intrigued me. I wasn't as interested in politics as I am now, but I remember thinking of journalism as an unofficial check on government.

Freedom of the press is important and I think 45 is threatened because they don't just blindly believe everything he says like his supporters do. Now that Democrats have taken the House to also keep a check on him, he's now gonna know what it feels like to have to negotiate. Spoilt brat hasn't had to do that yet because his underlings continue to bow down to him. It will be an interesting two years and I'm curious to see how he's gonna handle it.

He's already asked Sessions to resign, presumably so he can end Mueller's investigation... And he took away Jim Acosta's press pass for asking questions he didn't like. I'll admit that I thought Acosta got plenty of time to ask questions and was irritating 45, but he clearly didn't push or manhandle the intern. He just protected the mic with his free hand. I would've liked if other journalists continued Acosta's line of questions in support of him though.

Dude is clearly unraveling, even mocking fellow Republicans for the House losses. I don't understand him or his followers, and I'll admit I stopped trying because it's too disappointing. I just accept that they are what they are, and just pray for our world and its leaders... Because clearly the USA can't really lead the free world with this guy at the helm. I just pray our allies can keep the world peace.

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