Saturday, November 24, 2018

Atomic Bombs

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what I would think of the U.S. if I was not a citizen.  It’s one of the richest nations in the world (although we’re running a massive deficit) and we were the leaders in technology and finding alternate fuel sources (although this Administration is having us take a back seat)...  But the main thing is that we were a nation built on the oppression of others - the Natives and the slaves being the main examples.

On top of this, we are the only ones to have dropped atomic bombs during a war... killing hundreds of thousands of people, mostly civilian.  The ethical and legal justification for the bombings is still debated to this day (see linked Wikipedia).  But ever since those bombs were dropped, it’s been an arms race where the U.S. tries to call the shots on who gets to have them and who doesn’t.  It’s kind of ironic and I can see why other people would think we were hypocritical bullies.  Now we have an unstable leader who buddies up with Putin and other dictators.  And he talks as if he’s a dictator or, at the very least, would like to be one.  

I continue to pray that World Leaders can find peaceful solutions and that James Mattis can keep the crazy guy away from the red button.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Going forward, I will use Thanksgiving to be grateful for all God’s blessed me with... spend time with friends and family... and learn more about the Native Americans who were here before the Europeans came.

Here’s a website I found today about Thanksgiving:

It’s not as pretty of a story as what I was told when I was a kid, and it’s sad to know what happened to Natives in this country (and we continue to screw them by building pipelines on the land that was promised them.) But I can still use the holiday/time to be thankful to the God of all.

God so loved the WORLD - not just the U.S.A.

My friend at New Life is going to Seminary school in Berkeley and recommended I read a book called “Reality, Grief, Hope - Three Urgent Prophetic Tasks.”  It’s basically about Imperialism and the Church, comparing the U.S. with Ancient Israel... and how the people with power bend the public narrative to fit their agenda (which is to gain more power and resources).  The narrative is that the super power is “the greatest” in the world and unbeatable.  That narrative was shaken up when 9/11 happened.  The U.S. is indeed vulnerable.

The following is my opinion - The U.S. military spends almost $700 billion per year and a bipartisan study shows that we’d probably lose a war with China and/or Russia (who spend less than $200 billion each).  This is because, while they only concern themselves with their own borders, we try to control terrorism and global interests (in the form of oil and other economic markets).   Lately, 45 has been turning away from our traditional allies and buddying up with Putin, Kim Jung-Un, and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

People are fed this narrative that “America is Great” and, while I am fortunate to have been born here, I do see its many flaws made even more evident by this President.  He can turn a blind eye when a Journalist (who was a legal resident) is murdered despite CIA reports of bin Salman’s involvement.  He wastes $200 million of the military money, sending troops to the border as a campaign stunt.  He’s trying to make the Judicial branch beholden to him because he believes there are “Obama judges” (therefore there are “Trump judges.”)  He attacks Black athletes who silently kneel to protest the harassment and murdering of unarmed Black people for being unpatriotic while he himself attacks veterans like McCain and the guy who took down Osama bin Laden. The list goes on and on about this guy and his “America First” and “Nationalism” lies.  He’s telling all his supporters that he’s working for them, when really he’s working for the wealthy (which of course includes himself). 

It sickens me that so many Evangelicals support this guy.  They have forgotten that God so loved the WORLD, not just the U.S.A.  I’m afraid that we will have our reckoning if we don’t start working with our true allies in this world again for Democracy and Justice instead of just Economic Gain. Being an economic superpower isn’t what God called us to be.  He called us to love Him and love our Neighbor.  People claim we’re a Christian Nation, but the evidence doesn’t currently support that.

Monday, November 19, 2018

More Trump Disrespect of the Military

I find it ironic that the guy who criticizes Black athletes who kneel in silent protest during the National Anthem is now talking smack about the guy who captured Bin Laden after skipping the WWI memorial ceremony in France ... Where are all the people who criticized the athletes now? I don't see them posting about how disrespectful he is.

Mind you, I don't actually need to see more political posts on my FB feed... But I sure hope they're paying attention to his hypocrisy. It should've been evident by his criticism of McCain, given the fact that he dodged the draft multiple times due to bone spurs.

I sure hope John Kasich runs in 2020 and gives Republicans a chance to back a better candidate.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Notes on Encouragement

A couple of mental notes I made during today's message on encouragement from Pastor Jon... Limiting the number of people in your life is limiting your blessings.  I sometimes purposely keep my social connections small because I get tired when socializing... But I need to stay open to God's calling when opportunities arise.

Encouraged people who have gone through tough times make the best encouragers. Frankly, I haven't gone through many hardships, but I'll need to remember this when I do.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Paradise Gone

It's sad how the town of Paradise got burnt down. They're still investigating the cause of the fire, but more than 1000 are still missing, and unfortunately may be presumed dead in time. I pray those that perished didn't suffer too long and that they called on Jesus before they died.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Report: U.S. Military Could Lose War with China or Russia

A bipartisan report came out that states that the U.S. Military has eroded and probably wouldn’t win a war against China or Russia:

Two big reasons is 1) We’ve been entrenched in a 17-year effort to combat terrorism and 2) Our military is underfunded.  The second reason seems crazy since we spend over $700 billion on our military while China and Russia each spend less than $200 billion.  The specialist (who was on the panel that created the report) on CBS News said that China and Russia only defend their borders while the U.S. have global interests all over the world.

So do we throw more money at it?  If so, then we should raise the large corporate taxes back and put the money towards the military.  But even if we do that, there’s no guarantee we’d win a war against them.  It could be argued that we didn’t win the Korean or Vietnam War... and we’re still engaged in the Middle East.  Perhaps we need to stop thinking that the U.S can control the world.  Perhaps we need to realize that we need to work with our allies instead of touting “America First.”  I’ll keep praying that we work with our allies instead of alienating them like 45 seems to be doing.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Veteran’s Day

Just taking some time today to be thankful for our Veterans who have served the people of our country.  I see a lot of old pics of FB friends’ family members who served, but I don’t have any handy... although I know my Dad Clifford Wong served in the Korean War, as did my Fairfield Dad Howard Dupuis.  Most of my uncles also served and, although they don’t always talk much about it, I know that it had to change how they see the world.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Shooting, Fires and 45’s Responses

This past week we had another mass shooting and two huge wildfires in California.  And of course 45 said some more insensitive (to put it mildly) remarks about soldiers with PTSD and about how California is responsible for the wildfire damage.    California Professional Firefighters have refuted his claim: “nearly 60 percent of California forests are under federal management, and another one-third under private control. It is the federal government that has chosen to divert resources away from forest management, not California.” (You can see their full statement here:

One of my friends said she liked Trump’s honesty during his campaign.  When I mentioned that he had no diplomacy and I worried about how that would go over with other World Leaders, she said she didn’t care about diplomacy.  But this goes beyond diplomacy.  He lacks compassion and the ability to unify this country.  I pray that we can find a way to unify without him. 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Keeping it Simple

Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to love God and love our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39).  He didn’t mean just people in our nation, people we agree with, friends and family...  He meant everybody.  This is hard for me because I don’t feel particularly lovingly towards Trump or his most ardent supporters, especially the religious evangelicals.  I’ve mainly been praying for the nation to heal the divides, world leaders for peace, James Mattis to guide Trump, and Robert Mueller to run a thorough investigation on Russian meddling.  

Now that Election Night is over, I need to go back to just watching 30 minutes of CBS News and reading Reuters, AP, WSJ, WaPo, NYT and local news.  I need to keep it simple and stay off CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc because those channels just bring out more anger from me... and that makes it hard for me to love my neighbor.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Texas Talk

Maybe there are more moderates than extremists after all. I spent the week in Dallas for work and we had team members fly in from other parts of the country - Chicago, St Louis, California, Washington, Atlanta.    Beto O’Rourke didn’t beat Ted Cruz, but he did get quite a few votes... which is pretty surprising for Texas.  This made me think that, if a Democrat could get a good number of votes in Texas, maybe things are starting to swing a bit back to the middle again. 

Before flying home last night, a bunch of us went to dinner.  Three of us made sure we sat where we could face the door.  I mentioned that this is something that my hubby ingrained in me since his brother was shot at the Golden Dragon shootings.  The other two also wanted to keep an eye on the door for defensive reasons.  They both have ranches and guns, and the non-carriers in the group all said we trust them with their guns and don’t want to take them away.  We chatted about how we could improve gun control laws or, at the very least, enforce the current laws better... and guess what?  Nobody lost their temper or got upset.  This is because we all have gotten to know each other and aren’t bunching each other up in groups of “us” or “them” through a screen.  This was a good reminder for me to treat others on social media the same I would treat them in person.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

All The President's Men

I remember when Nixon resigned in the summer of 1974. I think I was in San Diego on vacation with my cousins, and I picked up a newspaper that may still be in storage somewhere. A couple years later, I remember watching "All the President's Men" and I think that's when journalism first intrigued me. I wasn't as interested in politics as I am now, but I remember thinking of journalism as an unofficial check on government.

Freedom of the press is important and I think 45 is threatened because they don't just blindly believe everything he says like his supporters do. Now that Democrats have taken the House to also keep a check on him, he's now gonna know what it feels like to have to negotiate. Spoilt brat hasn't had to do that yet because his underlings continue to bow down to him. It will be an interesting two years and I'm curious to see how he's gonna handle it.

He's already asked Sessions to resign, presumably so he can end Mueller's investigation... And he took away Jim Acosta's press pass for asking questions he didn't like. I'll admit that I thought Acosta got plenty of time to ask questions and was irritating 45, but he clearly didn't push or manhandle the intern. He just protected the mic with his free hand. I would've liked if other journalists continued Acosta's line of questions in support of him though.

Dude is clearly unraveling, even mocking fellow Republicans for the House losses. I don't understand him or his followers, and I'll admit I stopped trying because it's too disappointing. I just accept that they are what they are, and just pray for our world and its leaders... Because clearly the USA can't really lead the free world with this guy at the helm. I just pray our allies can keep the world peace.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Nice try, Beto!

It's a Midterm Election Night and it's been a while since there's been so much participation... So the glass half full Independent Voter part of me is glad that at least 45 has gotten people to care more on both sides of the aisle. The New Democrat on me is a little disappointed that there are still so many people supporting the GOP agenda. 

Much has been said that it's not enough to just run an anti-Trump agenda and I agree. I am voting for equal rights for all (women, POC, LGBTQ, etc). I am voting for an America that cares for each other, not just the wealthy and large corporations (who the tax cuts most benefited). I believe in taking care of the planet God entrusted us with. 

There doesn't appear to be a big blue wave, but I'll be content if Democrats get the House. The Senate was a long shot, so I wasn't really hoping for that. I'll just be glad to get a little more checks and balances in place. I don't want to impeach Trump right away. I want Mueller to complete his investigation before deciding whether to impeach.  I pray daily that Mattis keeps Trump from starting WWWIII and that Mueller will continue to bust the slimeballs.

P.S. I'm in Dallas right now, so... Go Beto! 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Underlying Causes and Worries

I came to Texas for work and was a little sad that I couldn't be with my mom for her doctor appointment today.  She's had coughing, phlegm and pneumonia for 3-6 months now, and a set of x-rays and CT Scan showed inflammation and nodules on the lungs. When I googled lung nodules, I saw that the majority (at least 60%) were not cancerous... but to me, that's a little too close to 50/50 in my book.  Thankfully my brother was able to take Mom and Dad to the appointment and many people (including myself of course) have been praying that the doctors can figure out what's going on, that it's not cancerous, and that they can treat her.

I talked to my dad and brother (Mom is hard of hearing so phone chats are usually quite brief with her), and the news is pretty good.  The pulmonologist does not think it's cancerous; but rather an underlying infection.  They don't know where it came from (sounds a bit like my hubby's case a couple months ago) and will be running tests to identify it so that they can treat it.  While she can finish her set of antibiotics, they don't want to give her more antibiotics because her body will probably build up a tolerance/immunity to it.  They want to concentrate on what the infection is and fight it.

Thinking about the underlying infection, I know deep down I'm scared that my parents may not necessarily believe Jesus is their Lord and Savior.  They probably believe in God but not necessarily that Jesus died and rose from the dead for our sins... and to show how great His love is for us.  They both believed at one time, but I think they're now agnostic. While I worry about Mom and Dad getting sick, I know that my underlying worry is really that they won't renew their faith in Him before they die. While I and my friends/family continue to pray for their health, I also pray constantly that God renews their faith.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Shout Out for Politifact

There's been a lot of talk about "Fake News" over the past couple of years, but people have the wrong idea of what news is and what it isn't.  News is just reporting of events as they occur and backing it up with research.  People think that what the President is true news and they (him included) get upset when journalists report that "there is no substantiating proof what he says is true."  People say Snopes leans liberal because they debunk many of his myths.  To those folks, I say they should go to Politifact.  They do a great job of fact checking and Conservatives will be pleased to see that Obama was fact checked also.

One of Obama's biggest lies was saying that people would be able to keep their doctors.  My doctors haven't changed (I'm Kaiser), but evidently many other people had to change doctors.  I believe this was a lie told before the system was finalized and I believe he actually wanted it that way.  What the current President does now is lie to rally up his base and bring out their worst instincts. He keeps talking about his beautiful wall (which yesterday turned out to be more barbed wire) and said that Mexico will pay for it (knowing that they will not).  He lies about:

The list goes on and on but you get my point.  I used to wonder, "Why is thou shalt not lie (bear false witness)" up there with "Thou shalt not kill?" (Exodus 20)  Now I am seeing how lies have consequences because we had 25% of the nation voting for a guy because they believed everything he said.  They didn't want to look past the surface because he echoed some of their darkest thoughts and now they feel empowered.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

“Me and Mine”

Seems like people only care about “me and mine.”  That may not be true, but it sure does feel that way in this political climate.  They don’t care about LGBTQ people unless one of the kids or relatives comes out and is mistreated.  They don’t care about women who claim to be raped because it hasn’t happened to them or somebody they love. They don’t care about unarmed Black kids getting killed unless it happens to someone they know.

Unfortunately, these injustices are far too common... but LGBTQ kids don’t want to come out to parents/family who bash queers and make them feel flawed.  Girls don’t talk about being molested because they see how people still tend to not believe them (or worse blame them).  Black athletes are criticized for silently kneeling, yet people turn a blind eye to Blacks getting killed and incarcerated for longer periods and greater frequency than Whites for like crimes.  There’s a lack of compassion in this nation that disturbs me, and I pray daily that we all (me included) have empathy for one another.

Galations 6:2 ESV

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.