Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hate Crimes

Four Black kids are being charged with hate crimes, rightfully so, for beating up a disabled white kid.  I hope they throw the book at them, I really do.

I despise all hate crimes, whether it be black on white, white on black, white on white, black on black, etc. (you get the point).  When I heard about this, I immediately remembered a case when three white kids beat up a black homeless guy here in Fairfield in 2005... to the point where he was permanently disabled.  You can read more about that here:

The similarities are ironic, minus the Trump remarks.

Unfortunately, I think the punishment will NOT be similar.  I say this because I already know the three white kids are walking free already.  My hubby was an alternate juror on that case, and he looked up what's going on with them.  Basically, the worst offender was sentenced to life in prison (this was not his first offense), but got out early on some sort of technicality (and he was NOT a minor when the crime happened).  I don't know if it's considered a hate crime because I don't know if the beating was racially motivated.  In my mind, those kinds of beatings are all hate crimes.

I saw a friend of a Facebook friend posted this latest incident and said that things like this is why he/she voted for Trump.  This really saddens me to know that people really think Trump is the answer.  Or is it that they really think people of color are entitled and ruining our nation?  This type of thinking is behind the whole "Black Lives Matter caused this act of violence, etc" philosophy.

Black Lives Matter is not saying ONLY Black Lives Matter.  BLM is saying Black Lives Matter TOO.  While I want these latest perpetrators to pay for their crimes, I'm also upset that those three white kids didn't have to truly pay for their crimes.  I could go on and on about this, but I think Shaun King covers it best here:

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