Summary: What drives your life? Some people are driven by guilt, resentment and anger, fear, materialism or approval. Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life, simplifies your life, focuses your life, motivates your life and prepares you for eternity.
You weren't put on earth to be remembered. You were put here to prepare for eternity.
I always think, "Will people remember me? Do I have a legacy?" But the question I should be asking is, "What have you done for Him?"
Many of the people in my small group have mostly Christian friends. I think I have a good number of people in my life who are not practicing Christians. They may believe in God, they may live "good lives," but I don't think they make God the focus of their lives. To be honest, I am like that. People who are so pious and holy often irritate me. They are an inspiration to others, but I find them grating at times... and I wonder if that approach works with unchurched people. I guess I wasn't wired by God to be sweet and holy. I think I was wired to be slightly sarcastic and cynical so that I could relate to His other children that are like me... that need Him but don't yet quite know it. It's a hard line to walk: to see things through these jaded eyes yet still love and have faith in Him.
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