Thursday, April 28, 2011

RW Day 1

I'm overloading on Rick Warren.  I downloaded "Purpose Driven Life" onto my Kindle and we're going through his "Everything is Possible With God" program in Small Group.  Today is day one for the Purpose book and yesterday we went through the first of six segments on the Everything DVD and discussion materials.  Here's what I've learned so far...

The six phases of Faith are:
Dream - God's dream requires faith
Decision - Nothing is going to happen to your dream until you wake up and put it into action
Delay - Gold will not fulfill your dream immediately. Waiting teaches us to trust God
Difficulty - God uses difficulties to work on your faith and character
Dead End - Dead ends are a part of God's plan for your life
Deliverance - the best response to a dead end is to expect God to act

I have been in search of my dream and purpose for most of my life, and it's finally sunk in that I've been thinking of it as MY dream and purpose... and not God's dream and purpose for me.  For now, I will get to know Him better.  I will make myself stop all the busy work and have actual quiet time.  Writing helps me sort through my thoughts, so this will be my journal.  For the next 40 days, I will commit to spending some time in prayer and/or working through the insights God gives me on this blogspot journal.  I will try to listen for His direction, dream and purpose for my life.  I'm sure that revealing his Dream/Purpose for me will probably take more than 40 days, but this will hopefully help me start some good habits.

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