Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stinky Dog

Suki was smelling like a stinky 125-lb dog... Since we're trying to be frugal, I decided to try the local grooming salon's self-bathing section.  For $15-20, you can use their tubs, warm water, shampoo, towels and power dryers.  I usually pay them to do it and leave her there for 5 hours... but I thought I'd just try to get the preliminary stink off, then take her for the pro job in the spring when she really blows her coat.  I was there about 1.5 hours and she definitely looks better.  I was sitting by my hubby when he suddenly said, "Suki, you still smell!"  We looked around and Suki wasn't in the room.  I think I was the stinky one.... Maybe I was all along?

Obviously it's probably because I washed her and didn't change out of my clothes yet... but it did make me ponder how we sometimes see others' faults when they are so often the same as our own.  We're more than happy to ignore our own funk.

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