As I started the fast, I was getting ready for eye surgery since it had been bleeding off/on for a year (since Labor Day Weekend 2017). Geoff has been great all year, driving me around to different appointments... and people in general have been really helpful and supportive. The surgery went well on 8/15 which was towards the beginning of the fast, and I had time off work to relax and spend more time in prayer and reading the Bible. Both our girls were also around during my recovery time, and it was great to spend time with them!
As Labor Day 2018 rolled around, my vision returned well enough for me to drive even at night. My hubby Geoff started having pain in his back/leg/hip area. We talked to numerous advice nurses and saw an urgent care doctor and our general practitioner’s backup (because she was on vacation), and they both figured he had lower back strain. A couple nights later, he had a fever and rapid heartrate and the advice nurse told us to go to Kaiser’s ER. From there, they determined he had an infection in his spine and hip. He was in the hospital for 8 days and just came home yesterday.
All of this was somewhat stressful, but our good friends Sue and Henry Ng just came back from 7-8 weeks in New York where her family lives. Sue is also a newly retired ICU Nurse, so she was very helpful in explaining things and letting me know what to look out for. The whole Ng family is like family to us - Henry and Geoff have known each other since they were teens in San Francisco, and we’ve lived within a couple blocks of each other (in both Vallejo and Fairfield) for the past 30+ years. Their kids are like cousins to our kids, and they all helped look after our pets while I was visiting with Geoff at Kaiser.
The Facebook Fast ended on the day Geoff got admitted to the hospital and I was able to let his friends know what was going on via Facebook (and text for the few who don’t use FB). Everybody has been so supportive. When my agnostic father asked if he could do anything, I told him to try prayer. He said he would try that, and I’m hoping he can see that his prayers do make a difference. Through the past month, I can see God’s hand and timing in everything. Some may think, “If there’s a God, why would you have to go through all that?” But I say, “He does all that because He loves me and wants me to see His greatness.” This is no coincidence - this is Him at work.
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