One could say that my journey from an Independent to Democratic Voter ran parallel to my road from Agnostic to Christian beliefs. Looking back, when I was Agnostic, I thought about money as "my" (or my family's) money. Now I think of it as resources that God has entrusted in me. And when you think about it, how people spend money is an indication of their priorities. I always voted against tax hikes because it was impacting MY bottom line. When Bush cut taxes, I liked the little bump in my paycheck. I didn't look past myself when I was Agnostic/Independent, but now I do. I try to think of the people who aren't as lucky or blessed (depending on if you're religious or not), and how God would want me to act with the wallet.
When Independent, I saw that there were good Presidents and leaders on both sides of the aisle and, many times, the differences were hard to see from the page of a history book. Lincoln was a Republican and abolished slavery; the Kennedy's were Democratic and were active during the Civil Rights Movement. Nixon had Watergate as a Republican and Clinton had Lewinsky as a Democrat. Pro's and Con's on both sides of the aisle. I set my vote on whoever I thought would make a better leader at the time and I basically still do. The thing that has changed is MY view on the world and how God would want me to be.
I've worked for a non-profit (Napa-Solano United Way) and a large corporation (AT&T). While I didn't get paid a whole lot at United Way, the boss tried to make it up to me in other ways - time off to help on the kids' field trips, taking Friday afternoons off early to beat the traffic, little things that add up. It was one of my favorite jobs because I felt like a valued member of the team and I felt that I was having an impact on the community. With AT&T, I've worked in Billing Operations, IT Project Management and Coaching. I kind of miss helping people vs helping the company's shareholders. I'm paid pretty well for the job I do, I have a pension and 401k and other benefits (including medical) and discounts... But I know that I'm just a blip on the company's page, and have no illusions of them actually "valuing" me. Sure, I have co-workers and former co-workers who are good friends, but the company itself is more beholden to shareholders. I've seen numerous friends get outsourced and laid off so the company can give the shareholders a profit. And that tax cut Trump gave them? They gave everybody a $1000 bonus (which made the news), but I noticed that my regular annual bonus was about $1000 less than usual. They are still laying off people, so it's not as if that's changed anything. They're not bringing back jobs that they outsourced/offshored.
It's easy to look at the small bump in my paycheck and think all is well. However, when looking at the big picture, I know that the GOP are also cutting into social services and Medicare to make up for the reduced tax revenue. Infrastructure still needs work, Veterans still aren't being served as they should, etc. And of course 45 wants to build a wall and have a parade which also cuts into the money available for actual needs. Unemployment may be down, but I believe it's because a lot of people have either aged out/given up or are underemployed (or are working multiple jobs). Also, the economy was already on the rise with Obama. The tax dollars are needed to help with infrastructure and services for the less fortunate. I'm afraid we've taken our "30 pieces of silver" at the detriment of the less fortunate.
All of this played into my switch from Independent to Democratic voter. When I saw that Trump was going to be the Republican nominee, I knew I had to do all I could to prevent/resist that. There's plenty of info available about how he cheated other businesses and wives (not to mention abuse), how he's gone bankrupt, how he avoided serving in the military, how he's racist (Central Park Five)... and there's plenty of footage of him being basically a racist, misogynist ass.
Trump doesn't disappoint me as much as his followers do. I expect him to be an ass because he doesn't make a secret of it. But the GOP who have bowed down to him and enabled him are who I'm really disappointed in. Even worse are the followers who mimic/parrot his lies and tweets without fact checking anything. Folks may say, "Oh, you have to pray for our President to be successful," but I call BS. I wouldn't have prayed that Hitler be successful in his endeavors. God also hardens hearts just as he did with Pharaoh when Moses wanted to leave Egypt. I simply pray that God's will be done, and God guide my heart and thoughts. I pray that He guides all world leaders, not just the US, because I believe He loves everybody (NOT America First). Jesus said, "Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem." (John 4:21). He came to save the world, not just Israel or America, and I'm tired of people insisting that we are a Christian nation when we don't behave as one. Being pro-womb is different than being pro-life, and I feel that Christians are being deceived when they fall for the Republican line of being anti-abortion... because many of these same Republicans are fine with also cutting birth control and resources for needy families.
Basically, I went from Independent to Democrat when I saw the drop in love and principles of the GOP as Trump took over. As I watched the Republican primaries, I couldn't believe that they couldn't elect a better candidate... just as I can't believe how his followers are doubling down with him. I hope that someday the Republicans can restore dignity and heart to their party because I'm basically still an Independent voter. I'm not "married" to the Democrats - I'm very displeased with how the DNC treated Bernie Sanders and want them to get their act together to put forth good, young candidates. People make fun of millennials, but they are our future and are underestimated. They should have a say on how they want the future to be, so that's why I am aligning with the progressive liberals. I feel the need to balance out the "extreme right" movement and to help our future leaders.
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