Thursday, December 7, 2017

Reasons I don’t like Trump

I had a phone conversation with a friend last night and she truly didn’t know why there was so much animosity towards Trump and his supporters.  Needless to say, it was a long conversation (because we also discussed more pleasant things), but here are some of my reasons that I don’t like Trump and/or his Promises.

Inflammatory Rhetoric and Name-Calling towards other leaders here and abroad - not bringing The Nation together (like he said he would) and could be starting up a new World War with Middle East and North Korea.  There’s more at risk than just America.  As a Christian,  I am more concerned about the world and how peace is at risk.

America First - In addition to my love of the world, let’s talk economics which is what this slogan is really about.  We will now be taking the backseat to China with alternative energy.  The “Industrial Age” of manufacturing and coal are on the downside of their peak.  Even if you don’t believe in climate change, you need to hurt the environment in order to access coal and fossil fuels, not to mention water sources on the land of Native Americans (who were, btw, the First Americans).  Alternative Energy is the future for job growth because even IT jobs are going overseas (not just manufacturing).  It won’t be America First if he continues to insist on promoting coal and gas only.  The only hope I have is that California is still staying in the game; and the automakers have to make cars that can be used here because we makeup a large portion of the auto consumers.

Demeans People of Color - Called NFL players (majority of them Black) SOB’s when they are merely peacefully protesting.  Their intent is not to protest the flag and anthem, and yet he’s insisting they are.  They are protesting the police harrassment and killing of unarmed black people.  Many black males I’ve spoken to have been needlessly pulled over for driving in a nice neighborhood in a nice car.  Many blacks are incarcerated for longer periods of time than their white counterparts for similar crimes.

Drain the Swamp - He went and put in people ill-suited for the jobs as you can tell from the number that have gone through his revolving door.  Some of them like Jeff Sessions are also known racists.  Not to mention an oil guy for the EPA, a private school person for Education, etc.  I come from a family of Educators and I don’t like how this Administration is trying to privatize public schools.  If you have the time and/or money to put your kid in private school (or home school), that’s your business.  But many parents don’t have that luxury.  Even if you give them vouchers, the schools can still descriminate and pick the “best” students.

The Wall - Mexico has made clear they’re not gonna pay for it, so now we know the taxpayers will... So how is that going to be funded when corporations pay so much less?  And how will that impact social services?  A wall didn’t work in China and it won’t work here. 

Favors Banks and Big Corporations - We talked about how he’s lifted restrictions on the banks again and they may just get the country in another “Too Big to Fail” bind again.  The tax cuts (from 35 to 20%) for huge corporations will not bring jobs back - it will only trickle down to their shareholders.  In order to lower their taxes as well as build the wall, social services and infrastructure will likely suffer.

DACA - Another “good thing” Obama has put in place that he flip flopped on whether he’d find a way to let them stay.  Again, this country was built on immigrants and these kids can’t help that they were brought here as children and is the only real country they know.  In his day, my grandfather was a Dreamer Kid.

Dog Whistle Rhetoric - He uses dog whistle rhetoric to stir up his fans.  Black NFL Players are SOBs and unpatriotic for protesting, White Nationalists are very fine people, calls women he thinks are pigs, etc. This isnt even mentioning how he rose in popularity back when he accused Obama for not being born in America.  These are not-so-subtle examples of how he stirs up hate within his fan base, and that’s why many people don’t like Trump supporters - because they support all he stands for.

Anti-Obama - He tries to undo anything Obama did, whether good or bad.  Let’s start with the Affordable Care Act.  It isn’t perfect and needs work but, as you can see, even the Republicans can’t put something together even though they have the majority.  They need to work together to improve on it... but they’re bent on destroying it because Obama had anything to do with it.  I’ve actually heard people say they like the Affordable Care Act but not Obamacare - as if they don’t realize they’re the same darn thing. As mentioned above, he’s trying to get rid of DACA... and it went so far as lifting the ban on elephant trophies (which thankfully he stopped after a lot of outcry).  Trump even had an obsession with crowd size because Obama’s crowd was so large - it’s ridiculous and petty. 

Claims to be Christian - He’s very un-Christlike in behavior and exercises no wisdom or humility.  He’s swindled people in business, claimed bankruptcies numerous times, cheated on wives, physically manhandled (and possibly raped) one of his wives, 15+ accusations of sexual abuse, calls women he doesn’t like derogatory or racist-based names (Pocahontas), bragged about “Grab them by the p***y,” etc.  Whether he’s really Christian or not is between him and God, but he would do well to “Get Love Right” as we say at New Life.  We touched on how 80% of White Evangelicals voted for him.   Honestly, I’m not sure that’s true (I’m hoping not), but it’s a very scary thought.

I could go on and on (and I haven’t even touched the Russia stuff because I am allowing Mueller to finish his investigation), but these are just a few of the reasons I don’t like this President.  I think he’s stirs up animosity towards people of color and has abused women. Many people, Independents as well as Liberals, think the same of him and can’t understand why anybody would condone/support him.  

You asked me why people feel so much animosity towards Trump supporters.  The short answer is that we find him to be a mean, petty, hateful person who looks out only for his (wealthy) interests.  Trump supporters seem to enjoy his bragging (even if they’re lies) and mean-spirited words... so there’s animosity towards anybody who seems to reward/support him or, worse yet, repeat his hateful rhetoric (calling Liberals libtards, snowflakes etc).

I understand the animosity goes both ways, and I try to be civil and polite in my discussions because we can’t unify until people start being decent to one another again.  Some people mock my being “politically correct,” but I will still try to be polite and civil anyway.  Christians are commanded to love our neighbors (not just American neighbors).

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Con ‘n Cheat

I posted something on FB and a friend asked why I call Trump a Con ‘n Cheat (she thought it was over the top).  My response:

LOL I actually thought the phrase “Con ‘n Cheat” was probably too kind considering what I actually think... and considering he has the nerve to call peaceful protestors SOB’s.

In this particular video he says, “I told you that we would be saying Merry Christmas again...  With Trump as your President, we are going to be celebrating Merry Christmas again.”  This is implying that his predecessor was against it.  Yes, he also talked about department stores, but he’s talking about general society as if people stopped celebrating or saying Merry Christmas until he became President.  That’s just ridiculous on so many levels - nobody has ever told me to say or not say Merry Christmas when I was an agnostic or when I was a Christian.  I worked in retail and I said whatever phrase I wanted - Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, whatever.  And people can say whatever holiday greeting they want to me and I’m not offended.

But this video isn’t the reason I call him a Con ‘n Cheat.  I call him that because of how he’s cheated on multiple wives (and physically assaulted one), how he’s cheated people in business, how he’s conned people with his Trump University, and how he’s conned enough people in America to vote for him.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.

This Washington Post editorial best explains my “Con ‘n Cheat” opinion.  My opinion only differs in that I don’t necessarily think the American worker will catch on because he pushes all their right buttons.

This Snopes Article talks about his abuses on women including his ex-wife.  Snopes DOES say there is a mixture of truth/false and, although he may not have raped her, he definitely manhandled her and puller her hair.:

Here is WP’s Fact Checker on Trump.  It’s one thing to lie here and there or by accident, but he does it so often and acts as if he’s telling the truth... and people for some reason believe him.  It’s the same with Hannity, Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc.  It’s the same rule book - act like you’re being attacked and people will believe your lies.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Who’s Truly Crazy?

A Facebook friend posted a Fox News segment about “Who’s Truly Crazy” and a nice non-Christian woman asked the original poster to expand on the spiritual (paraphrased).  Here’s how I responded:

JQ, I’m a former political independent and religious agnostic that believed in a higher power, but did not necessarily believe Jesus was the son of God etc.  I’m now politicially Democratic and a Christian, and I try to show non-believers that not all Christians support this President or his agenda.

Some Christians do want to support refugees who are fleeing murderous governmental regimes (sanctuary cities were started by the churches in the 1990’s), support helping families through welfare and other programs (being pro-life should be more than just pro-fetus) and want equal rights and justice for all people (no matter race or religion or sexuality).  There are Christians that want to reach people with love instead of judgment.  

There are some people that think we should pray for Trump, but I pray that God grant all world leaders wisdom and humility.    I don’t pray for Trump specifically because I don’t believe his plan necessarily syncs up with God’s plan.  If God grants him wisdom and humility, that would be great (same with Kim Jong Un); but I’m not holding my breath for it.

America is built on checks and balances and I’m praying that the other leaders of this nation can keep Trump under control.  I do say specific prayers for James Mattis as he oversees our military personnel... and I pray that Mueller gets to the bottom of all this Russia stuff once and for all.

Who’s truly crazy?  Time will tell.  From my viewpoint, it’s a mistake for Christians to hold up Trump as an example of a good Christian.  It’s showing non-believers that Christians support a racist misogynist who thinks there are “very fine people” among neo-Nazis and brags about grabbing women by the p**y.  He is right about one thing though - he could shoot somebody in broad daylight and still have ardent followers.

Who’s truly crazy?  I say it’s the ones that believe all his lies as well as the fake Russian Facebook posts and conspiracy theories... the ones who lap up the rhetoric of Breitbart/Bannon/Yiannopolas, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc without trying to listen to those at the New York Times, Washington Post and other news sources who brought down Nixon.

Anyway, Jenny, please don’t think that every Christian is Republican, judgmental and supports this President.  We don’t all think “America First.”  There are some that simply love God and our neighbors.