Sunday, June 12, 2011

Go Jack!

Today we had baptisms at church.  Most of the time, we have young kids (elementary school age) and young adults.  Maybe the teens are at the stage where they've already been baptized, or they are too "cool" to consider putting God at the center of their lives.  This is opposite of my old church I grew up with, but that's a story for another day.  Today Jack got baptized.  I greet him every week, and he usually has his Bible and a big smile.  He's about 60 years old and my daughter would like him as a "cute lil old man."  Anyway, he got baptized and I was so happy for him.  I think it's great when somebody acknowledges Jesus in their life during the later years.  It's different than the "deathbed baptisms" because Jack seems really healthy and "chipper."  I'm just not used to seeing folks his age get dunked (literally).

The message today before baptism centered around how believers are to be the ambassadors of Jesus. Seeing Jack get baptized also reminded me of my parents and how I don't think they are clear on their beliefs.  I think they believe in a higher power, just not necessarily God/Jesus.  They both were baptized in my old church a bajillion years ago, and they both led Sunday Schools and/or youth groups... but they definitely are not practicing Christians at this point.  How can I be an ambassador to them without being pushy and turning them away?  When my mother-in-law died, my nephew mentioned that he was happy she was baptized a week before she died... but how he was a bit ashamed that he had never tried to talk to her about it before then.  I have so many family members and friends that I know I should be an ambassador to... I just need to pray for His instructions on how to do it...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

RW From Dead End to Deliverance

What do you do while you're waiting for God's Deliverance?

1) Remember what God can do.
The situation may be out of your control, but its' not out of God's control.  When you face things that are out of your control, you need more than a positive mental attitude.  You need faith in God.

Too often we forget what God has already done for us, during our lifetime and with his ultimate sacrifice of Jesus.

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, and Abraham was prepared to do just that... but God stopped him and said He wasn't really going to let Abraham sacrifice him.  He was just testing him.  That story and Job's story always bugged me because it seemed "twisted" for God to mess with people just to test them.  Now I remember that it is just an example of how God ended up sacrificing his own son, and this story illustrates how hard that is.

2) Rely on what God has said
How do you you know when hope is dead? You start using the word "never."

3) Face the facts with faith.
Faith is not denying reality.  Faith is facing the facts without being discouraged by them.

4) Expect God to deliver me

What are you expecting God to do? God works in your life according to your expectation.  The ultimate for of faith is thanking God in advance for what he is going to do.

This seems odd to me because it assumes God is going to do something for me... but I guess that's the point.  God will do something for my benefit, it just may not be something I am asking for (because I sometimes ask for things that may not be good for me).
