Sunday, October 29, 2023

My Daughter’s Thoughts on American Christianity

I rage texted this to my mom the other day. I meant it then and I mean it now. 

There’s been something on my mind and heart a lot recently, increasingly as I’ve grown older and seen more and more ugliness of the world.  I HATE American Christianity. I grew up going to a Baptist church. The first time I wanted to be baptized, I was 11, but my parents told me I was too young to make such a big decision, so I waited until I was 15. I was in a Christian organization in college and still hang out with friends I made there. I was a counselor at church camp a couple of times. I have volunteered numerous times with numerous Christian organizations. I have read the Bible in it’s entirety a few times, tithed at least 10% for many years, have done a lot of praying in my life, have thought a lot about my ✨spiritual practices✨ I was a spicy Christian for sure, but I was definitely a Christian. In fact, it’s probably the largest influence in the way I see the world and my place in it, and the lessons I learned there play a large part in any advocacy or activism I participate in.

And I say it with my full chest when I say that if the God that Christians purport to believe in exists… there are a hell of a lot of American “Christians” who are f*cked. Who couldn’t show any signs of “bearing fruit” if asked, and don’t even know what it would mean to actually bear fruit. Who view church as nothing more than a social club for self-growth and feeling good about themselves. Who justify their own wealth and comfort by pointing their fingers at anyone who doesn’t look or live like them, selectively choosing which parts of the Bible they listen to in order to not have to question their own lifestyles or choices too much. Who wouldn’t know Jesus/his Dad/his Ghost if they were slapped down by the literal hand of God. That’s why I don’t go to church anymore. I cannot bring myself to “love my brothers” because most of y’all are NOT my brothers. Most of y’all aren’t even my friends. And the ones who are my people, they’d be my people regardless of what god they believed in because they give a shit and show it.

That’s it. That’s the message. I am frustrated and tired and emotionally exhausted. And if you’re not when you see an actual genocide happening, and you dare call yourself a follower of Jesus, then there is nothing I could say, or that the actual Bible could say, that would make a difference. And if the God you think you believe in exists, good luck, bro.

PS. Free Palestine. Stop the genocide. Ceasefire NOW.

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