Saturday, April 20, 2019

Mueller Report and 2020 Presidential Nominees

The Mueller Report was just about what I expected - no proof of collusion because 1) they didn’t interview him in person and let his lawyers submit touched up testimony and 2) he was basically an unwitting tool for the Russians to work against Clinton.  Mueller left any obstruction charges up to Congress (despite 45 and his crooks lying about “full exoneration”).  There were enough findings in the report to cast some light on his and his administration’s shady dealings and lies detailed in this AP Fact Check:

And although Mueller is done with his work, his investigation has spawned further ongoing investigations:

Basically, I’ve always known these folks are a bunch of manipulative liars, despite claiming the religious high hand (bunch of Fake Christians in my opinion), and hopefully some of his followers will wake up to that... but I’m not betting on it.  Neither are the Democrats which brings me to the 2020 field of nominees:

If I was a Republican, I’d be wanting John Kasich to run against him.  Of the Democrats running, so far my top 5 (in no particular order) are Klobuchar, Harris, Booker, Warren and Sanders.  Admittedly a lot of it is name recognition/familiarity and this could easily change as we get closer and people drop in/out of the running.  I’d like to know more about Abrams if she decides to run, and I wouldn’t mind seeing Gabbard or O’Rouke picked as running mates.  Truthfully, I’m not that excited about Biden or Sanders for some reason.  I just feel like their time has passed, along with Clinton.

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