Last week's message at church was about two kinds of people - Contributors and Consumers (aka Givers and Takers). I realized that my parents and my aunts and uncles raised to be a Giver and Hard Worker. When we went somewhere, we always pitched in and help. We left the place cleaner and nicer than when we arrived. It was actually a matter of shame if you were caught being lazy lol And I would never want my parents to be ashamed of me, especially not for that.
During the week, I also went to a work meeting where a Sr VP was talking about the direction of our organization and there was an open Q&A. One lady asked, "So how open is your open door policy? Can we email and message you?" The Sr V responded that, "When you come to me with a monkey, you better bring a banana or gun. Don't just keep coming to me with problems without solutions, because I will quickly tire of people who just always complain. Also, make sure your supervisor knows what's going on and isn't blindsided if I should ask him/her about the issues."
Last week's message and office meeting reminded me that I don't want to be a Taker and Complainer. I want to be able to solve problems and make things better. I don't want to make promises I can't keep, and I take a lot of thought before committing to something. I look at 45 and wonder if he really gave the Presidency any real thought. Was it just a popularity contest for him? Is that why he's so upset that he didn't get the popular vote and upset when the media portrayed his inauguration crowd as smaller than Obama's? He tweets/complains/lies about stupid stuff constantly, and I don't think he took the job seriously when running. I think he would've preferred the opposite happening with Hillary winning the electoral and him winning the popular. That way he could've continued complaining about the "rigged system" and running his dubious/unethical businesses without the watchful eye of the public.
The blessing in disguise in all of this is that this has given the Democratic Party a kick in the pants. About half of the country is unified against the current Administration and organizations like the ACLU have grown and gotten more funding from private citizens. People like me are getting off their duffs and are getting active again because complaining is not enough. We need to be Givers.
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