Thursday, February 27, 2025

Notes To or About Letty

Randy Chan (Nephew)

Dear Auntie Letty,
Thank you for being a great auntie over the years. As a kid, I was somewhat aware that the aunties were helping Grandma prepare and cook all those tasty meals every Sunday, but I just took it for granted. I never thanked any of you, so I want to make sure that I at least thanked you for your hard work and dedication all those years.
Some of my very best memories were those trips to the Wong cabin every summer. The bonding developed among everyone will last forever. This was made possible because of you and Uncle Cliff.
Lastly, my Mom told me many years ago that you and Uncle Cliff agreed to take care of me, Tony, and Darcie if anything happened to her and my Dad. Fortunately, this was not necessary. However, I know that we would have been in the very best of hands if it was. 
Goodbye for now. I know I will see you again when my time is up here.

Terry and Doug Rathkey (Niece and Nephew)
Give your dear mom a big hug from me and Doug with this short message…
Hi Auntie Letty,
We want you to know that we are thinking of you right now…your smile and contagious little chuckle, always brightening our visits together and bringing joy to our hearts! We’ve missed visiting with you, but even as you are sleeping more, we hope you know how much we love and appreciate you. Praying for God’s peace, rest and comfort for you on this New Year’s Eve and in the year to come. 
With our love…
and happily keeping warm in the beautiful blanket you made for us 40 years ago,
Terry & Doug 🥰🥰

Saturday, February 8, 2025

I’m Back - and Taking “No Shitler”

 I took a much-needed break for a few reasons:

1) My mom died on January 4 and I needed time to grieve and deal with that.

2) Tech Bros including Zuckerburg were bowing down to Trump, abandoning any real fact checking on the social media platforms. Worse yet, they contributed to his inauguration to suck up and let him spread his lies on their platforms.

3) I couldn't stand looking at some of my old "Christian" Nationalist church friends' posts, looking forward to the Trump Presidency. I was grieving the loss of these friendships on top of my mom.

4) I went to Hawaii with some friends and didn't want to keep up with FB. I also realized some of my very best friends don't do social media anyway. They reach out to me directly.

5) I didn't feel my posts mattered. Sure, people liked my gratitude posts (of which I truly am thankful), but warnings of Trump were falling on deaf ears. As one of my friends said, "I've never heard anyone say, 'I changed my mind because of what I read on Facebook.'"

All these reasons still hold true - I'm still grieving my mom and old church friendships, my best friends still contact me directly, and I don't really feel my posts move any political ideology significantly. But ever since I was a kid, I wondered, "How could a guy like Hitler come into power and fool a whole nation into thinking racism and cruelty is the path to greatness?"  Now I know.  When Trump started running in 2015, my Fairfield Dad told me, "He's like Hitler."  I laughed and said, "Don't you think that's a bit much? Besides, this country wouldn't go that route." He replied, "You watch." 

Sad to say, he was right.  Both my dads grew up in the Depression era, lived through WWII and served in the Korean War. They survived Trump's first term but thankfully do not have to watch this one which will be much worse. Now I see the cowardice in the politicians, media, tech bros, etc. Now I see that fear is probably how Hitler came to power just as Trump has. These guys played on baser instincts of people to blame others (Jews for Hitler, immigrants and liberals for Trump) for their misfortunes. Years later, "The Diary of Anne Frank" is one of the few documents of somebody watching hideous behavior unfold and criticizing it from a "real person's view." How I wish there were more records of how people could watch that unfold.

I know many people who just will not watch, read or hear anything that Trump and his Musk Administration is doing. It upsets them. I get it. This behavior upsets me too and I will never again buy anything Tesla related for my house. But I can't just do like the Germans did and bury my head in the sand or, worse yet, support the a$$holes as they try to end birthright citizenship, round up undocumented immigrants and put them in concentration camps like subhumans, pardon police officers who kill innocent Black people  claiming he's pro-police while also pardoning all his January 6 Nazis. He's a blatant racist and I believe that anybody who says otherwise is a liar and a fool. I'm tired of hearing, "Oh, he was misunderstood or taken out of context." Bullshit - actions speak louder than words and his actions prove it. 

He is trying to cut the federal workforce (never mind that many of them voted for him) so that he can pocket more money for the top 1%  instead of having the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. He claims DEI is a bad thing because people of color are taking jobs away from White workers. Never mind that Obama and Harris were infinitely more qualified than he was  to even be considered for the Presidency, or that men still make more than women who do the same jobs. He's distracting his followers with negative talk of DEI and LGBTQ so that he can lower his and his rich buddies' tax rates because they do not care for the poor and needy as Jesus commanded. They only want more money. Ronald Reagan started the nonsense about trickle-down economics and the rich only get richer.  Citizens United enabled the rich to buy political power and now this country has become an oligarchy. America has elected an Authoritarian Dictator and he's counting on us to turn the other away.  

When Trump got elected, I wrote this post and promised that I would stay in the fight.  That is why I'm back. I can't have future generations look back and wonder, "Why did a whole country let a guy like Trump be so cruel?" I can at least do what Anne Frank did and write about it.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Doing It Right - Perfectly and Precisely


Letty Wong

June 1, 1931 – January 4, 2025

By Al Yuen and Karen Yuen


Maybe because they’re Hakka. Maybe because Chans are even tempered people. Maybe their family owes a lot to their parents. For all of these reasons, Letty and her brothers and sisters were especially close knit and mindful of each other.

Her father, Chan Gang Jeung, was born in 1904. When he was 17, he left his village in Guangdong to come to San Francisco which included a stay on Angel Island on the way. When he was 21, he went back to be married. He and his bride, Yin Wong, started the Chan clan in a second floor apartment above Grant Avenue, between Jackson and Washington Streets. Five children were born there: Hugh Won, Clarence, Letty, Marjorie and Nancy. After a move to a bigger place, the second floor of 825 Sacramento, four more were born: George, Donald, James and Mabel.

Early pictures of Letty and her sisters show haircuts of straight bangs, straight sides, and high in the back. Her father worked as a barber at 155 Waverly Place.

Letty was born June 1, 1931, the first of 4 daughters, the third of 9 children. She and her other sisters scrubbed clothes on wash boards in the kitchen, lugged the wet clothes to the roof on the fifth floor to dry. The girls ironed. The brothers and sisters took turns sweeping the linoleum floors of their bedroom and living room. The three youngest slept in the bedroom with the parents, and others setup the living each night for sleeping. Down the hall was a communal bathtub and toilet.  One day, they got in an argument and Letty threw the iron at George (thankfully missed) and Letty showed maybe she wasn’t so even tempered after all. 

Letty’s mother worked for a sewing factory, bringing the youngest children to work, or bringing work home. To relax, she embroidered. Her stove consisted of two gas hot plates on which she made dinner: minced pork, vegetables and rice.

Letty attended kindergarten across the street at the First Chinese Baptist Church of San Francisco. There, she received her name. She went on to first grade at Commodore Stockton where she and her older brother set scholastic examples that Miss Behm and other teachers expected of the rest of the family. She attended Hip Wo Chinese School where she refined her Cantonese.

Francisco Junior High and Galileo High were next. When she was 14, she got a Saturday job doing housework in non-Chinese homes in the Richmond district. There she found rugs to vacuum and oak furniture to dust. She gave most of her pay to her parents for house expenses, but was allowed to keep a little which she saved so she could go to movies at the Embassy Theatre on Market Street, or eat a Spreckles ice cream bar on the way home from school, or take piano lessons. She practiced on the church piano across the street, where she also taught Sunday School. When she was 18, she started working at Joseph Magnin, one of the many department stores downtown. She used the adding machine in the office to total the day’s sales slips. Company uniform was hosiery and skirts. She gave half her paycheck to her parents and saved the rest.

She was given a scholarship to UC Berkeley after high school. After two years, she left school to work full time at Joseph Magnin. At this time, the parents acquired a telephone. One day, Cliff Wong called her and invited her to a YMCA party.

In 1953 the family bought property with flats at 2402 Larkin. They moved out of their 3 rooms in Chinatown to one of the flats which had a kitchen stove, bathtub and toilet. No more communal bathrooms where creeps would peek through holes in the wall.

Cliff went into the army and he corresponded with Letty from Japan. He wrote to her every day and she wrote back once a week. After he returned, they were married in 1955. Their first apartment was at Washington and Jones Street, about 8 blocks from her parents’ home on Filbert and Larkin. Each Sunday they went to her parents’ house for dinner, joined by all her brothers and sisters and their families.

In 1958, Brian was born. In 1962, Karen was about to be born and the apartment was too small for four people. Cliff was commuting to Berkeley, so they decided to leave Chinatown for the East Bay. Frances, Cliff’s sister who was living in Richmond, found them a home 6 blocks away on McBryde Avenue. She introduced friends (Mary Dong, Fong Foo, Ellen Wong and Addie Dong and Eileen Tong) to Letty with whom Letty could play mahjong until she was in her 80’s. They usually played every Tuesday and Friday from 8 pm to 1 am.  Winners would put 25% into a pot which they used to take the husbands out to dinner (many of the same husbands played poker together).

Letty babysat Frances’ youngest daughter Debbie when Frances went to work, and she babysat Clarence’s kids, David and Carolyn, when Clarence’s wife Esther passed away. She started baking cookies for the children in the house and started knitting again. Recipes and projects got more complex and soon people were talking about her desserts and her hand made sweater and blankets. Letty’s creations were done perfectly and precisely because, as she said, “If you’re going to do something, you should do it right.”

In 1970, Letty found a house on Madera Circle in El Cerrito with a big kitchen and lots of room for the kids. Cliff had taught her to drive after they moved to Richmond. Now she drove the kids to music or sports games. As the kids got older, their friends would often come to the house to play poker or just hang out. Some of them drank and would stay overnight because, as Cliff and Letty said, “It’s better and safer if they sleep here.” If Letty was home (and not playing MJ), she would chat with Brian’s inebriated friends while knitting and watching sports on the TV. She probably knew more about the drinking and hijinks than Cliff did because he was usually working or playing poker late.

During these years away from San Francisco, they drove across the bay and continued Sunday lunch and dinners at her parents’ with the Chan family. They also spent one week in the summer at the Wongs’ cabin at 1060 Herbert in South Lake Tahoe with the Chans. Letty and sisters would prepare meals while the uncles and kids would do KP. There were only 2 showers for 30+ people, so people had to sign up for turns (hopefully before the hot water ran out). They would pitch tents in the backyard for the kids to sleep in, while the adults slept in the cabin (some dads slept in their trucks or van).

The week in Tahoe with the Chan family was followed by another week with Gene “The General” and Winnie, Al “Dynamite” and Kathy Ong, Al “Doc” and Kathy Chan and their families. Letty and Cliff often traveled with this group to Asia and Europe. Letty often said that she probably wouldn’t have seen all these places if it hadn’t been for Doc planning and arranging their trips.

Letty’s daily schedule changed in 1988 when Lindsay (first grandchild) was born. She would babysit two days a week and would do this with Cliff (who retired in 1990 shortly before Courtney was born), sometimes from El Cerrito and sometimes in Fairfield when the kids got to be school age. She had a bout of depression and Cliff would take over the baby sitting of Brannon and Briley. Thankfully she was able to get over most of the depression and would reconvene playing MJ and having weekly Monday night dinners with Brian and Karen’s families. This would be followed up with Dessert with Charcoal and Marjorie, Jerald and Julie and her family.

“I come from such a big family that I’m used to having the family around. I guess taking care of people is something women do very naturally and easily. I never gave it much thought when I became Pau Pau as well as Mom,” she said. Her mother died in 1982 and when her father died in 1994, 40 years of going across the bay on Sundays ended. But parental remembrance is strong and all the brothers and sisters continued visiting the cemetery on the days of their parents’ date of birth and date of death. Family ties remained strong. The week in Tahoe continued until COVID, and they continue to celebrate Chinese New Year’s Dinner. This year, they will have dessert after dinner at Letty and Cliff’s house.

Letty passed away in her sleep, surrounded by loved ones on January 4, 2025. For the days leading up to her passing, she was able to see all her grandkids and her brothers.  She is preceded in death by her husband Clifford Wong, and is survived by son Brian and wife Barbara Wong; daughter Karen and husband Geoff Yuen; and grandkids Lindsay Yuen, Courtney Yuen, Brannon Wong, and Briley Wong.

There will be a family lunch in April (but no formal services), and Letty will be laid to rest with Cliff at the Sacramento National Cemetery in Dixon. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to either:

  • First Chinese Baptist Church of San Francisco where Letty went to Kindergarten, practiced piano, taught Sunday School and married Cliff - 15 Waverly Place, San Francisco, CA 94108
  • American Stroke Association which is part of the American Heart Association through this website because Letty and her siblings were prone to high blood pressure and strokes.