Full Recording with Slideshow and Live Speakers
Berkeley Times Tributes to Cliff
Notes for Cliff
Most were sent for Karen to read to him during his last few days
Alphabetical by First Name
Brad, Nephew
Carolyn, Niece
Please give him my regards...have so appreciated his larger than life presence in my life...MUCH LOVE TO Uncle Clifford, Aunt Letty, and your families....Hugs, Carolyn
Chris Lim, Niece
Dear Uncle,
I am full of gratitude for your loving guidance in all aspects of my life…growing up in Berkeley schools and you attending my annual Halloween parades, Monday night dinners on 9th Street through when I got my first teaching job in Berkeley. For 33 years you mentored me as I rose through the ranks, ultimately taking on your position as Assistant Superintendent when you handed me your business cards!
Your unconditional guidance and sense of humor will always and forever live in my heart.
Thank you, my dear uncle, for always giving your best even when
you think it can’t
get worse. Rest in tranquil peace as you
ascend to the heavens surrounded by white light. Love you uncle….
Geoff, Son-in-Law
Thank you, for being such a great father-in-law to me. My dad died when I was 31, so you were my father for even longer than my own father was.
I learned so much from you. How to be a better father to my
daughters, a better husband to Karen, a better brother, a better son, and a
better person in general. You taught me with your words of wisdom and many
stories of your life’s
experiences. And what great stories they were.
But perhaps even more importantly, you also taught me by example. How you lived your life, how you enjoyed good food and simple pleasures, how you loved to speak loudly and laugh even more loudly, how you handled challenges that came your way, and how you loved, protected, and took care of the people that mattered a great deal to you.
It has been a great joy and honor to be a part of your family. And to be able to call you Dad.
Thank you, Dad, for everything.
Jerald, Nephew
Hi Uncle Clifford. It’s Jerald. I’m home in Florida and I’m sorry I can’t visit you. I hope you still remember all the best times. I do. Some of my best times were growing up nearby to you and Auntie Letty, Brian and Karen.
You cooking Tomato Beef Chow Mein for us on McBryde was our favorite meal and we looked forward to it so much.
Living in terror of waking up Auntie Letty on Saturday morning with our noise and the TV cartoons was another experience engrained in me!
And the summers and winters in the Wong cabin were always the
best with the Chan Clan. The bowling and softball teams, the uncle and kids
dishwashing assignments, the tents outside, Sahara buffets, Pau Pau and aunties
cooking, choosing Keno ticket numbers, skiing down the face of Heavenly…all
made possible because of you and the family.
Julie, Niece
Hi Uncle Clifford
This is from Julie and the rest of my family. Thank you for being such a fun & wonderful uncle & role model! Here are some memories that stand out - overnights @ McBryde (my parents wanted to get rid of us a lot), spending time with your family @the cabin during the winter, and of course, summers in Tahoe with the Chans (which have too many memories to list) - you exposed me to my first experiences with trash talking at the softball games/bowling comps, made the kp duties unfairly (I always had the worst crews), etc. Tahoe was never the same without you and Aunty Letty. Lindsay, Courtney, Sierra, & Phoenix are trying their best to keep it going.
Shack thanks you for welcoming him into the family and for helping him get into admin. Don’t know if you know that he got his EdD from USC.
Sierra & Phoenix thank you for the Monday dessert nights, Tahoe memories, and family get togethers. Sierra is now Head Mens & Womens Tennis Coach @ Solano Community College. She played tennis & basketball at Dominican University and got her credential there. Sierra plans to get married in Nov. Phoenix teaches 5th grade at Suisun Valley Elementary School and is training to play pro basketball overseas. He played at Cal Poly Pomona. Phoenix got married last year and his wife teaches 3rd grade in Fairfield.
You must be proud of your wonderful, caring, & compassionate family!
We love you Uncle Clifford!!!❤️❤️❤️
Dearest Cliff,
I remember meeting you
when I was hired in 1988 as the Manager of the Bilingual Education Program for
the Berkeley Unified School District when you were the Associate Superintendent
of Curriculum at Berkeley Unified School District.
I remember collaborating with you from the beginning on two major issues: the CA State Department of Education noncompliance on services to students whose first language is not English and a lawsuit from parents of the same English as a Second Language students that went to trial. After many intense long work hours, we were found in compliance with the CA State Department of Education and the school district won the lawsuit. Some words that come to mind which describe the unique and special person you were are hardworking, professional, efficient, diplomatic, persistent, resourceful, dependable, compassionate, organized, versatile, and talented.
As an educational administrator, you had one of the longest histories with the school district. You started as a teacher and became principal of Berkeley High School, Personnel Director of Personnel Services, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, Acting Superintendent multiple times, and even after retirement served as a consultant as acting superintendent, director in personnel matters, and a negotiator with various unions. You were an extremely valuable, multitalented, knowledgeable administrator who knew the historical background of the school district and you were well respected by many.
I observed the special long relationship you had with your secretary Eva Hayes. I saw the two of you as the dynamic duel. You showed your loyalty, compassion, and support to her when her husband passed away and then her daughter and son passed. You took care of her estate and when she had dementia, you found live-in home caretakers. Eva recognized you until her passing. You sold her house, closed her estate, and oversaw all her affairs with such devotion and care.
Professionally, you provided support and advice to many people including principals, administrators, teachers, parents, and students.
Personally, your family was always a priority for you. You shared many stories with me about your family. You greatly loved Letty, your dear wife, your daughter Karen, your son, Brian, and your grandchildren. You even enjoyed babysitting.
Because of your belief in the importance of education and that one should follow one’s passion and enjoy what they do in life, you provided generously with your guidance, emotional and financial support to many family members.
You enjoyed your family
gatherings with your immediate family as well as your many endearing siblings. You
were able to show your sense of humor with much joy and laughter as you supported
each other through your senior years.
Through our get
togethers, I learned about your various hobbies such as representing the San
Francisco Chinese American men’s basketball team vs Chinese men’s basketball
team. In your adult years, you made many friends by playing golf and poker at
the Country Club. You got a chuckle when I gave you your favorite brand of golf
balls and personalized poker chips as gifts. You teasingly commented that you
will have to remember to retrieve your golf balls.
I had the honor of
continuing our precious friendship after both of us retired from Berkeley
Unified. We enjoyed staying connected with our lunch gatherings and special
family celebrations you were able to attend. I cherished our close and special
friendship throughout the thirty -five years.
I appreciated very much how much you provided guidance and support to
You have touched, helped,
and impacted so many people in your life. You could face various challenges and
with your compassion, kind, giving,
generous nurturing abilities and quietly help make things better for so many.
Cliff, you will be greatly missed. May you rest in peace, and may the angels protect you as you now move forward to join your loved ones in heaven.
In our hearts always with
Lori Chinn,
October 10, 2023
Mary, Letty’s MJ Buddy (Hubby Jim played Poker with Dad)
I think about you whenever I’m doing naughty things, wanted to
bring over the chow mein you like. Love you and am praying for you.
Mike, Nephew
Dearest Uncle Cliff,
I am deeply saddened of the news of your medical situation. I have been wanting to come by to visit you and Auntie Letty recently, hoping you were in good enough spirits for a visit. Karen has been keeping me up to date on the goings on and after last week’s update, my trucks were developing problems and not sure if they could make it over there or not.
Thank you so much for being a great and compassionate and
concerning Uncle!
You have always been there to talk to and always had great
stories! Last year Karen sent me some photos and flyers that you saved on your
1950s Asian Basketball tour.
I had heard that you played locally in SF but did not know that you and
your team had travelled abroad to play!
It was great to read and hear about that! And seeing the pictures of
young you!
It would have been great to hear your version of that trip straight from yourself! A new aspect I did not know!
Of course the Best story is the one that you re-told at my Dad’s
celebration of life,
“Jeez, McGees’ got a piece!” The story of you, My Dad, and uncle Charcoal going out together to get my Dad’s stereo and speakers back after they were stolen! You gained a couple hundred new fans that day with that story!
Thank you for starting the Great Lake Tahoe Family Legacy! I hope Karen showed you the pic I sent her. That black & white picture captures essence and camaraderie of what Lake Tahoe is all about! And now your daughter and Julie are carrying that tradition onwards!

I also want to say that the recent photos I have seen of you and Auntie Letty together are some of the sweetest, most touching views of caring and long-lasting love between you two! I love the way she lights up when she reaches out and you two touch and hold hands! Those actions to me are true, deep, long, and everlasting love for one another!
Words can’t say everything l feel, but thank you so much for being
the loving, caring, strong, determined, and fair person that you are! I will
always remember you and you have a place in my heart forever! ❤️Love
U forever Uncle Cliff!!
your nephew and huge fan, Mike!💕💔🌲
Patty Soe, Poker Pal (and so much more)
My dear dear bud Cliff, i jus heard now from Karen & she said
u are sleeping. I missed seeing u this am at 1508. I'm so grateful for visiting w/u Saturday
& holding ur hand. Herb, u & i had some really wild fun times together
here & Tahoe.❤️
If this is our earthly goodbye... Sleep well my pal. Herb is waiting w/a full deck to welcome
u!!! Bring $$$!!!
Ur pal...
Rachel, Stacey, Jody, Jacqui, Rebecca - Grandnieces
This is Rachel, Stacey and Jodie (Vicki's daughters) and Rebecca and Jacqueline (Val's daughters). We wanted to send a note and video to Uncle Cliff.
Whenever we'd see him he was always so jovial, ready with a joke,
mischievous look in his eyes and an easy laugh! My sister, Stacey, went to
University of Redlands and every time she'd see him he would start the Redlands
Och Tamale chant! He'd always tease her and try to rally us all to join in. He
finally got us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlC1Qu3iglQ 😆
Randy, Nephew
I recalled that, years ago in the late sixties, you told me one Sunday that you were going to be at my school in Chinatown the next day. I knew you worked in Berkeley, and I remembered thinking to myself, "Yeah, right. You're just messing with me." To my great surprise, I ran into you in the crowded stairways at school, and you lifted me up above your head. At that moment, I was hoping that some of the other kids saw that I knew someone important enough to visit the principal who everyone feared.
Thank you for inviting the Chan family to the Tahoe cabin all
those years. The weeks at Tahoe were my very favorite weeks of each year. It
was fun golfing with you during the later years at Tahoe as well. You were the
best golfer I ever played with.
I look forward to seeing you again when my number comes up. Bye
Uncle Cliff.
Rich, Nephew
Uncle Cliff,
I wanted you to know how much I appreciate everything you have done for all of us over the years. I have so many fond memories of you and the times our families shared together. In particular, all the Tahoe trips, winters and summers.
I regret not taking up golf sooner. I would give anything to have played one round with you. I know you would have kicked my ass but I would have had a great time with you. As of today my index is an 8.6. I'm getting better slowly. Whenever I play, I think of you because I know how much you loved to play.
I am truly grateful for you always being there for my Dad. My Dad has so much respect and love for you, and rightfully so. Uncle Cliff, thank you for your unwavering support and love. You will always be a part of me. Everytime I tee it up I will think of you. I love you very much.
Roxanne and Ken, old family friends (Ken brought Dad to Poker Games for past few years)
Just give him our love and hugs.
Tell him we are thinking of him with love.
Stephanie, Niece
Dearest Uncle Cliff,
always inspired in me the value of higher education and the invaluable talent
of spitting as a form of raw emotion. I will always cherish the love
behind that poker face. I love you very much, Uncle Cliff!!!
Terry, Niece
To my dear Uncle Cliff,
I so wish I were there in person to tell you all these things and to give you the biggest bear hug ever, but I hope you know that my heart is aching not to be there and that my words, though heartfelt, can never express fully how much you mean to me.
You have been cheering me on since I was born, because I was your big brother’s daughter and you’d do anything for us! ❤️ The special and comforting agreement was that Rich and I would go live with you and Auntie Letty if anything happened to my parents and vice versa with Brian and Karen. Even though that never had to happen, we got to spend countless hours together…so so many wonderful memories, especially of Tahoe vacations (Spring, Summer and Winter) and special get together times with the Wong family, and the Ongs and Chans, too. And let’s not forget the fun privilege of attending the Tournament of Champions for years! Go Berkeley! Those were really the best of days and memories I will cherish forever.
But besides that, you are a man of wisdom, and whenever I needed guidance, I could always go to you for advice, support and encouragement. I thank you for that and for the impact you’ve had and the role model you’ve been to me and so many others!
You've been blessed and surrounded by Auntie Letty, Brian, Karen, their spouses, your grandchildren, so many extended family members and a great number of friends and colleagues who have the greatest admiration and respect for you. What a rich and full life you’ve lived. I hope you realize the extent of your influence and care on so many people and thus, how much you are loved.
A funny from Doug that I wonder if you’ll remember…you and Auntie made the
trip all the way to Oregon for our wedding! After our ceremony, you
congratulated us and looked at Doug and said, “You
better be good to her or I’ll put a contract out on you!” 🤣😂 Needless to say, he’s been the
best husband I could ever dream of, and maybe I owe that to you! Haha!
Uncle, I love you so very much and am praying that in these days
you will know more and more the love of Jesus for YOU! May his comforting
presence and peace be felt and may you trust Him to carry you home.
With the greatest of love,
Terry (& Doug)
I hope his family reads what I just emailed to his old email address. I wanted to share my work journey in Berkeley Unified School district with his family. Below are two picture of me when I was younger & the other picture is present. I wanted you to know my story with Cliff Wong.
I remember Cliff Wong at Burbank from 1959-1962 I was a 7 th grader. It was a different time. Cliff knew my parents & so did Mr Dwight, who was the principal of Burbank Jr. High school at that time. I was a scary child I was never in trouble & at that time I was scared of my shadow. I went on to Berkeley High school & graduated in 1965. I got a scholarship to college & graduated in 1969.
I started teaching P.E. In 1969 at Berkeley High school. Cliff, principal of Berkeley High school, remembered me from Burbank. Cliff always watched over me & took me under his wing. He encouraged me to teach in model school A in 1971, an alternative school to Berkeley High school. I taught in Model school A from 1971 till 1974. Cliff then encourage me to do Student Activities. Cliff always saw more in me than I saw in myself. From 1972 till 1992 I was the Student Activities at Berkeley High school. I then became the Vice Principal at Willard Jr. High School from 1992-1994. I then became the Vice principal of Longfellow Jr. High school from 1994 thru 2002. In 2002-2006, I was the Vice Principal of Berkeley High School.
I am sharing my story with you because I am who I am because Cliff Wong took me under his wing. Cliff taught me how to be tough but to be kind in the process of doing my job. He taught me to never forget where I came from. He taught to be humorous as I did my job. Cliff always said to treat staff, students better than I was treated in my life’s work journey. He taught me to have integrity in what ever I did in the work place. Cliff told me I was his adopted black daughter. I was so proud when he told me that. He also told me how proud he was of me for how I did my job. I wanted you to know my work journey. I was who I was because of Cliff Wong took me under his wing When he died I felt I lost a family member & I cried crocodile tears for Cliff Wong. I am such a better person because I was blessed & fortunate to know such a wonderful person as Cliff Wong.
I just wanted his family to know how much Cliff Wong meant to me.
Thelette A. Bennett
His adopted black Daughter 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Val, Niece
Dear Uncle Cliff,
I've been on the sidelines waiting for Karen's updates, angry about the standard of care, frustrated at not knowing what to do or say.
Because my dad struggled with congestive heart failure in his 50's and hated bouncing in and out of the hospital (as you have), he looked and found other healing modalities to extend his quality of life. Under the care of a Qi Gong doctor, he became strong enough to take a trip again, and I still remember what he said to me the day before he left for Mexico...that he had decided not to get on the heart transplant list because he did not want that quality of life; if he 'went' tomorrow, he would still be happy because of all the things he had done and experienced in a very full life.
Well, he got his wish to go like "Bing Crosby, on the golf course," because two days later, my sisters and I got that fateful phone call that he had passed away on their trip, after a wonderful meal and shopping for bathroom fixtures for a new house he was planning to build.
It’s only now that I have found the words to convey the gratitude I feel for having had you as an example in my life. Like my dad, you are brilliant at playing the cards you are dealt in life and I know now that it's because you are governed by the most powerful force in the universe, and don't roll your eyes, I mean love.
From your ribbing me ever since I shut the lights on Brian, all of the blustering to hide your softer side, to the accolades from your colleagues when they found out I was related to you...all were expressions of love!
Your innate sense of how to live the concept is wonderful to contemplate, that strong sense of self coupled with a genuine respect for others and their realities, a ferocity in protecting loved ones tamed with humor and a bark worse than your bite.
My mom once told me that Grandma said early on that you were the smart one, and I wonder if she knew what that really meant.
My dear Uncle Cliff, a big hug from the niece who never meant to be a pill. I love you bunches and bunches!