Since I’ve already written a lot about why I can’t stand the Con n Cheat, gun control, healthcare, tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations, abortion, etc... I will keep most of those opinions on Twitter (@BuckyYuen). There will be an occasional post here still, but most of you know where I stand. Think John Pavlovitz (except I’m not a white male).
I will try to go back to blogging more about my Christian thoughts, doubts and journey. Yes, I have doubts from time to time... but that’s probably not as rare as one would think. While praying for non-believing loved ones, I have to pray for myself too. That’s what I learned during the 3-week fast. I don’t think I’ve ever really had an ah-HAH moment that others talk about... and I don’t necessarily feel a real close “friendship” with Jesus. I pray and yet I sometimes wonder if praying is just “sorting stuff out in my head.” I see/hear right-leaning friends say stuff, and I wonder if we really worship the same God... Anyway, it’s still a “journey to doubtless faith" for me.