Saturday, March 30, 2019

Nation of Laws?

I haven’t blogged in a while because I was preparing to co-teach a couple of classes for work, one near Seattle.  While I was in Washington, I was also dealing with a woman who targeted me for identity theft.  She’s been largely unsuccessful, but it’s taken some time to get everything settled down and securities put in place (online and physical)... And baseball season has started although my Giants are not off to a good start lol.

Since the last time I blogged, Robert Mueller ended his investigation.  I pretty much figured all along that 45 wouldn’t be found guilty of conspiracy because that would mean he was clever enough to work with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary.  In the end, I believe he along with millions of other Americans, were duped into magnifying her faults and email server story. 

The Russians found a guy that they wanted in the WH, and they made it so.  Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Breitbart, of course, helped in that effort.  They put out so much false crap on social media and, unfortunately, people on both sides of the aisle believed it.  During the campaign, I made calls to Democrats in other states (since California was pretty much a clinch) and I talked to people who said that, in light of Comey’s investigation on Hillary, they couldn’t vote for her in good conscience.  Basically, Democrats stayed home and didn’t vote.  They need to find a viable candidate this time around and back him/her... and they need to stop believing all the crap that the trolls put on the net.  At least they got the House back so they can put some checks and balances on the Con N Cheat.

Despite what 45 says, Mueller did NOT exonerate him on obstruction of justice.  Whether they release the report (redacted or not) this week or in two weeks, 45 still has other legal woes going on.  He’s trying to distract his base by complaining about the wall (or lack thereof), but this is also going on in the Southern District of NY

Speaking of the Wall and Trump, I’ve heard so many people say, “We’re a nation of laws” when discussing immigration.  They talk about how their ancestors came here “the right way” while ignoring the fact that this is all stolen land.  When I grew up, I thought the beauty of America was that it was a “melting pot,” but that was more of a nice slant on how we SHOULD be.  From its beginning, this country was built on the backs of slaves on the land stolen from Natives.  There’s been justifications about how the Natives were killing each other blah blah blah, but let’s just be truthful.  We took their land and killed hordes of them.  

Also, there were no significant immigration laws until the Chinese Exclusion Act, and that was because people could easily differentiate Chinese from people European descent.  It was easy to blame Chinese for the social economic woes of the country, and we’re doing the same now with brown immigrants.  

There are so many false immigration myths 45 and others are spreading detailed here:

The bottom line (in my opinion) is that 45 and his followers are trying to make grand gestures (like a wall) to fix the immigration issues.  Instead, we should be using the money and resources towards reforming our laws and enforcing them.  Many undocumented immigrants have expired visa’s or are DACA; and many of them are productive members of society.  How about we make it easier and give them a path to citizenship instead of calling them criminals because they have expired visa’s?  How about we recognize that we DO have laws that say immigrants can seek asylum here?
Asylum in the U.S.

Calling ourselves a “Nation of Laws” is becoming an excuse to be unethical.  It was legal to own slaves at one time, it was legal to ban Chinese with the Exclusion Act, and it may have been legal for 45 to commit all these acts...  But these acts are clearly not ethical/moral.

Trump's Unpaid Bills
Trump's Business Scams
Trump's Racist Quotes

Evangelicals - you need to stop using the “Nation of Laws” excuse and start “Loving one another” instead.  If this nation is as great as you say it is, and if you want it to be a Christian nation (I personally adhere to separation between church and state), then you should stop propping up a guy that is unethical (at best) and hateful.  I truly believe you are why Christianity is dying in America - people see how hateful you and the President are, and they want nothing to do with it.  If you want a Christian nation, then you need to set a better example.

P.S.  More on Nation of Laws: Is America Really a Nation of Laws?