For almost two years now, I’ve been praying for M&M - Mattis and Mueller. Mueller so that he can indict/convict all the people involved in the Russian interference; Mattis so that he can try to reason with 45 over national/world security. But 45 doesn’t listen to reason. Apparently he listens to people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, and does things that please Putin (like pulling out of Syria. I admit that I thought it was a mistake for Obama to pull troops out of Iraq prematurely... and now 45 who loves to criticize Obama is doing the same thing despite bipartisan advice NOT to.
How many Trump voters in the rust belt work for the government and really want this Wall? He said during the week that he’d be proud to own the shutdown and that he wouldn’t blame the Democrats. But as usual, he lied and is now blaming Democrats.
Do his supporters realize that the actual cost of the whole thing is like $30 billion (not the $5 billion 45 is asking for)? Do they realize that Democrats DO want border security, just not an ineffective expensive wall? And that there was a bipartisan plan which included some money for border security? The Great Wall of China didn’t do the trick because, in addition to having a wall, you’d have to have people monitoring it at ALL points. People will just avoid the heavily guarded areas and get over or under the wall. I think all Americans would like to get Veterans and the impoverished more aid, but how do we do that and pay for a useless wall? Maybe we raise taxes and eliminate loopholes on those large corporations who, by the way, continue to send jobs overseas and layoff people?
One of my New Life Church friends was in the military and is now in seminary school, and I was telling him how bummed I was about Mattis stepping down. He reminded me that our faith must be put in God and not to worry too much. That God is still in control no matter what the situation. I will remember this, but I will still also continue to resist the lunatic in the White House as “Bad things happen because good people remain silent.”