Saturday, June 10, 2017


Proverbs 24:23-25 ESV

Partiality in judging is not good.
Whoever says to the wicked, "You are right,"
will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations,
but those who rebuke the wicked will have delight
and a good blessing will come upon them.

The news this week was focused on Comey's testimony, and of course everybody took from it what they wanted.  Either Comey or Trump is lying, but there's really no way to tell which one without a lie detector... and even then, I think really good liars can go undetected because it's not 100% accurate.  That's why I am waiting patiently for Robert Mueller's investigation on Russian interference.  It may take a long time - look how long Watergate took and even Hillary's Benghazi and email investigations.  We live in a society where we want everything instantly, especially if it matches our "truth."  People on both sides of the aisle agree that Mueller has impeccable credentials and is impartial - let's just wait on him.

It's no secret who I think is telling the truth; and I was heartened to hear some of the senators thank Comey for his service as I feel the manner in which he was dismissed was pretty tacky.  I wasn't pleased with how he brought up another Clinton investigation (which revealed nothing) right as people were putting in their votes (especially absentee ballots), but that doesn't make him dishonest.  In the meantime, we have a President who bragged about grabbing women's genitals and how he'd still have supporters if he shot someone in broad daylight.  Worse yet - he's right about how they'd still support him.  They know he's a liar - because he was either lying while bragging about molesting women or he was lying when he denied it as "locker room talk."  

As the proverb says: partiality in judging is not good, and that's why I'm glad Mueller is doing this investigation instead of me.  But those who prop up Trump as a "good Godly man" should pay attention to the part of the proverb that says: Whoever says to the wicked "You are right" will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations.  I see this happening already.  The majority of Americans disapprove of him as well as our international neighbors.  He's had numerous marriages and it's no secret that he cheated on them as he dumped one for another.  One even said he assaulted and raped her. He's charmed then cheated several business people.  And of course the only time he's apologized is when he was caught on tape bragging about molesting women.  That's pretty much what I consider "wicked," and it saddens me that the Religious Right continue to prop him up along with the Alt-Right.