Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

I got my 2011 NY resolution in the mail last week:  Really study the Bible and log journey in blog.

I didn't do very well on either count.  So on Sunday 1/1/12, I made the same resolution, and I am keeping my 2011 card on my computer so I don't forget again.  Also, we were given a New Testament reading guide which I will use to help study the Bible, and I will log onto here to record my thoughts.  My Bible Study will be done in my office vs my bedroom, and I'll have easier access to my PC.

Today I read Mark Chapter 1.  The book of Mark goes by really quickly - my kind of writing/reading.  I like to get straight to the point and cover a lot of info in a short amount of time.  It was also a reminder that Jesus was foretold by the prophets like Isaiah.  A lot of new Christians don't understand that He didn't just come out of the blue and that God had this planned way ahead of time. I didn't really understand this early on in my life.  I just thought the Bible was just a bunch of stories and that the Old Testament was just stories before Jesus came.  Obviously I never read it and realized that much/most of it foretold the coming of the Messiah.

The other thing that stood out to me was how his disciples just dropped what they were doing (fishing, etc) and followed Jesus.  What was it that drew them to him?  Didn't they think he was just a nutjob?  How would I have reacted if I got the same invitation?  Well, I guess we all have that invitation now.  We can follow Him or choose to do what we want (and squeeze in some time for Him when it's convenient for us).